
A Unique Collaboration: The Eccentric Off-Center Trembleur

In 2022, I felt the pull to revisit my woodturning roots. I returned to Ecole Escoulen in France for a week of intensive training with Jean Francois Escoulen, specifically focusing on eccentric and off-center turning techniques. While I’d explored these methods during my 2018 diploma program at the school, I craved a refresher and the opportunity to push the boundaries of my Escoulen Eccentric chuck. Believing Jean Francois’ guidance would be invaluable, I decided to delve back into the world of eccentric turning with him by my side.

The results of my initial experimentation can be found here (awaiting permission from the owner of this piece to post it).

After witnessing my approach during the first two days, Jean Francois surprised me with a unique proposition. He recognized my comfort level with the chuck and the techniques, and offered the chance to collaborate on an eccentric off-center trembleur – a concept I never knew existed! Needless to say, I eagerly jumped at this incredible opportunity.

The success of this collaboration resulted in a truly one-of-a-kind piece. I hold it as a treasured gem within my personal collection.

Eccentric off-center trembleur

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